Scopul propunerii de proiect a fost investigarea posibilitatii de dezvoltare a noi modele de culturi celulare in vitro, la nivelul carora efectele antioxidante sunt induse la nivel celular si molecular printr-un camp electromagnetic aplicat din exterior in domeniul de frecventa a luminii vizibile (fotoni verzi de densitate inalta).
Mai multe detalii:
- Mitrica R, Popescu I, Paslaru L, Badila D, Polosan S, Cristache L, Ionescu E, Tataru C, Comorosan S. High-density green photons effects on NaCl solutions detected by red blood cells membranes. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol. 7, No. 1, January – March 2012, p. 227 – 235
- Comorosan S, Polosan S, Popescu I, Paslaru L, Nastase A, Mitrica R, Ionescu E. Antioxidant effects induced in biological macromolecular systems by high density photons through localized excitations. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics, 1817, 1, 2012.
- Paslaru L, Nastase A, Stefan L, Florea R, Sorop A, Ionescu E, Popescu I, Comorasan S. Stimulatory and possible antioxidant effects of high density green photons (HDGP) on cellular systems. Journal of Medicine and Life, vol 7,issue 4, oct-dec 2014, pp 619-622.
- Alexandru P, Paslaru L, Dima S, Nastase A, Stoichita L,Comorosan S, Popescu I. Functional characterization of 1.1B4 novel human insulin releasing cell line and effect of HDGP (High Density Green Photons) irradiation on beta pancreatic cells and human pancreatic islets. J. Transl. Med. Res 2016;21(3):183-192.